
We Are Holding a Meeting

Dear Friends,

Hello again and welcome to our new readers!

We finally have some exciting news to share with you – we are holding our first meeting since COVID became a thing.

We will be meeting at the Withington Public Hall Institute (Burton Rd) on Wednesday 20th October from 7-8 pm.


PLEASE let us know by emailing foglaneparkfriends@gmail.com if you are able to attend as soon as possible so we can arrange seating, minutes from the last meeting and agenda (as we won’t be able to give out paper copies).

The park has had a wonderful Summer full of activity including our inflatable adventure world and the return of the Fair. It has been great to see our amazing wild park return to hosting these events for the local community.

Of course, we have to mention the amazing flower displays we have all enjoyed through the wildflower planting and the formal beds that have been cared for and improved by our dedicated gardening group some of my favourite wildflower pics are below. What a wonderful difference this amazing group makes to our park. 

In addition to our weekly gardening group, we have also run litter picks which have, as always, been VERY well supported by our park community removing a combined total of nearly 100 bags of rubbish!!

Anyway, I will keep this short and sweet as we have the meeting coming up and it would be brilliant to see as many people as possible there.

Take care and hope to see you in our wonderful wild park!

Alice, Chair of Friends of Fog Lane Park

PLEASE: Remember to email us if you wish to attend.

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